LinkedIn Login Wall

20 Nov 2017

2-minute read

This is a quick fix for people who don’t have a LinkedIn account or otherwise don’t want to log in and let others know when they’ve viewed a profile.

If you’ve hit the hard login wall where the profile preview doesn’t load, there are a couple options that work if you haven’t spent too much time on LinkedIn. You can try:

  • turning your WiFi off/on again
  • clearing your cookies/cache/other browsing history
  • restarting your computer (if you’re really dedicated)

CCleaner is useful for clearing local browsing data across all browsers.


  1. Right click the transparent dark area around the login prompt
  2. Inspect Element
  3. Delete the div element that’s highlighted to remove the overlay
    • The element should be similar to:
      <div class="show-login no-animation show" id="advocate-modal">
  4. Search for the overflow attribute of the body.advocate-modal-visible in the CSS and delete the line overflow: hidden to remove the scroll lock
    • Navigate to the body level e.g. html.os-mac > body#....
    • Modify the following CSS:
      body.advocate-modal-visible {
        overflow: hidden;